This page links to technical papers concerned with three themes:
- Worldwide compatibility of documents (and electronic objects in general) across the WWW and beyond
- Collaborative computing, including the storage, retrieval, and sharing of information
- Knowledge compounding
Technical and Human Considerations In Creating Precision Hyperlinks:
Thoughts on hyperlink syntax for granular addressibility, view specification, and human- and machine-readability. Nicholas Carroll, 12/22/2000
Retrieving Information from Dynamic Knowledge Repositories - Overview:
Overview of some data structure and information retrieval thoughts about OHS DKRs. Nicholas Carroll, 2/8/2001
Cataloging of DKR Objects (by the author or creator):
Encouraging and guiding authors in adding metadata to DKR objects. Nicholas Carroll, 2/7/2001
Why Unicode Won't Work on the Internet: Linguistic, Political, and Technical Limitations.
Norman Goundry, 6/5/2001
The U.S. Phone Nomenclature System
as Applied to Dynamic Knowledge Repositories:
A Recap of Bell Labs Research. Sheldon Brahms, 6/9/2001
The Anti-Thesaurus:
A proposal for improving Internet search while reducing unnecessary traffic loads. Nicholas Carroll, 10/19/2001
The Anti-Thesaurus, Part 2:
Expansion of Proposal for Increasing Search Relevance. Nicholas Carroll, 12/19/2001
After the Dot-Bomb: Getting Web Information Retrieval Right This Time
Marcia J. Bates, Department of Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, 8/3/2002
Search Engine Optimization and User Behavior
An article for the 2010 edition of the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences. Nicholas Carroll, 2/16/2010.
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